Points, miles, and snide remarks.


Gomas Dragged on SNL, Seems to Take In Stride

I’ll be the first to admit I don’t normally watch SNL. They’ve gone downhill in recent years, putting out a large amount of political content that quite frankly just isn’t funny, regardless of who you voted for. It seems like they’ve generally run out of ideas after so many years on the air, and are putting out “fluff” to keep the show alive. However, occasionally SNL puts out a skit or two that is actually good; usually it’s airline-related, and I find it after the show has aired on my “platform formerly known as Twitter” feed. Last year, they hit a home run with their skit about Southwest Airlines following their holiday meltdown.

SNL is back at it again, this time mocking everyone’s favorite airline passenger to mock, Tiffany Gomas – also known as the “that motherf***er is not real” lady. Gomas herself saw the clip, and while she seemed a bit embarrassed by SNL parodying her infamous July meltdown on an AA flight out of DFW, she seemed to take it in stride. User @byebyejack1 replied, reassuring Gomas that nobody saw it, because that would require actually watching SNL.

Last week in an appearance on right-wing comedian Alex Stein’s show on The Blaze, Gomas admitted that the July incident earned her a ban from American Airlines, and it seems like she’s since become a United convert. Living in DFW, that really sucks for her; while everyone else is able to take nonstop flights to virtually anywhere from DFW, seems Gomas is going to be stuck taking a quick connecting flight to Houston (IAH) or one of United’s other hubs.

Gomas is a marketing executive in the DFW area, and has been a good sport about her newfound infamy, leaning into it rather than remaining in hiding. As a fellow Oklahoma State grad, it’s good to see a fellow member of the Cowboy family making something good out of a bad situation. While I don’t hold a Marketing degree specifically, I did attend the Spears School of Business just like Gomas presumably did. Some of the best advice I’ve ever received about marketing myself has been from Spears Marketing professors, some of which I never formally enrolled in classes with. It seems she’s used her skills to turn what was likely one of the worst days of her life into something positive. Good on her.

Gomas’ identity remained a mystery for weeks after the incident. However, as the DFW Airport Department of Public Safety got involved, I can’t see how she expected to keep her identity a secret for very long. As a government agency, the department got FOIA’ed by journalist Bree A. Dail several weeks later. You can read the full report in all its glory here.